Random Things About Me

When I was 8 years old I received my first computer as a Christmas present. It was a 486 SX 33 with 4 MB of RAM, 500 MB hard drive (IDE 100), with a double speed CD-ROM. It rocked DOS 6.22 and Windows 3.11. I spent about as much time taking it apart as I did playing Warlords and God of Thunder.

Since then I knew I wanted to work on PCs when I grew up. I was lucky enough to have a father who was the computer tech in my very rural town in southern Illinois. I spent a lot of time at his repair shop learning about computers and a little about networking.

In High School I taught myself how to program in Visual Basic 6 using MS Access for my database. I ended up receiving college degrees in Information Systems Management focusing in information security. Life had other plans for me though. My first job after I graduated was in software development. Since then I have followed a career path that moved me from my rural to the city of Saint Louis, MO.

These days when I am not in front of a PC, I am being a dad and dabbling in one of my several hobbies. I like playing the occasional video game. When I am not in front of a screen, I like building things. Woodworking is something I greatly enjoy, but am not that great at. I also enjoy listening to many different genres of music. The best kind though is when I get to listen to it live.

Professional Background

I have been professionally writing software since 2013. I have worked in a few different industires such as medical, environmental engineering, communications, financial, and a few others. The main industry I have worked in is manufacturing. The last few years I have been working more in the finanical industry.

I have spent some time as an IT Manager and an Executive at a previous company. Currently, I work for a consulting company working with business intelligence. I have learned I truly love the consulting life and I truly love working in business intelligence. Professionally there is nothing more satisfying for me than helping companies streamline business processes and find ways to utilize data to make their business better.

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